What does God say about those who consult astrologers and rely on astrology for guidance in their lives? It's in the Bible - Isaiah 47.13-15 (NIV): "You have wearied in the multitude of view: they stand up, and save you, those who know the sky, observing the stars, announce that, after the new moons, which should happen to you! Behold, they shall be as stubble, fire consumes them, they will not save their lives from the flames: it will not be a coal to warm at, nor fire to sit before it. This will be the fate of those you get tired to see. And those with whom you have tampered with from your youth will scatter their separate ways: there is nobody who comes to your rescue. "
The Astrology is an art of divination which teaches that the provision in the sky, sun, moon and planets has an influence on people and the course of human affairs. The Hebrew word used for "astrology" literally means "divine the heavens."
Divination is the process to predict future events or revealing secret knowledge, using signs and omens or other supernatural means. God forbids the practice of divination. It's in the Bible - Leviticus 19:26 (CFB): "Do not practice the magic or divination. "
While the Israelites were preparing to enter the promised land of Canaan, God warned them not to engage in these activities. It's in the Bible - Deuteronomy 18.9, 12 and 14 (NIV): "When you come into the land which the YAHWEH thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to imitate the abominations of those nations . (...) Anyone who does these things is detestable to the YAHWEH, and because of these abominations the YAHWEH thy God doth drive them out from before thee. (...) For those nations you will dispossess listened to soothsayers and diviners, but you, the YAHWEH thy God, do not allow it. "
Divination is indeed considered a grave sin. It's in the Bible - 1 Samuel 15:23 (NIV) "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is not less than idolatry (...). "
When King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream, he summoned the Magi (or "Chaldeans"), sorcerers and astrologers to tell him what had been his dream. How they reacted? It's in the Bible - Daniel 2.10 (NIV): "The Chaldeans answered the king:" There is nobody on earth who can say what the King asked, so no king, however great and powerful that it has summer, has asked such a thing of any magician, astrologer, or Chaldean. "
The astrologers of Babylon were unable to help the king to understand his mysterious dream. But God had blessed His pious prophet, Daniel, the true gifts of the Holy Spirit and was brought before the king to give him the key to his dream. It's in the Bible - Daniel 2.27-28 (NIV): "Daniel answered before the king and said:" What the king asks is a secret that the sages, astrologers, magicians and diviners, are not able to discover the king. But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets, and has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in the course of time. Here is your dream and vision that you had on your bed " . "
Que dit Dieu au sujet de ceux qui consultent des astrologues et font appel à l'astrologie pour être guidés dans leurs vies ? La réponse est dans la Bible — Ésaïe 47.13-15 (SEG) : « Tu t'es fatiguée à force de consulter : qu'ils se lèvent donc et qu'ils te sauvent, ceux qui connaissent le ciel, qui observent les astres, qui annoncent, d'après les nouvelles lunes, ce qui doit t'arriver ! Voici, ils sont comme de la paille, le feu les consume, ils ne sauveront pas leur vie des flammes : ce ne sera pas du charbon dont on se chauffe, ni un feu auprès duquel on s'assied. Tel sera le sort de ceux que tu te fatiguais à consulter. Et ceux avec qui tu as trafiqué dès ta jeunesse se disperseront chacun de son côté : il n'y aura personne qui vienne à ton secours. »
L'astrologies est un art divinatoire où l'on enseigne que la disposition relative, dans le ciel, du soleil, de la lune et des planètes, exerce une influence sur les gens et sur le cours des affaires de l'humanité. Le mot utilisé en hébreux pour « astrologie » veut littéralement dire « deviner les cieux ». La divination est l'activité consistant à prédire les événements à venir ou à révéler des connaissances secrètes, à l'aide de signes et de présages ou d'autres moyens surnaturels. Dieu interdit la pratique de la divination. C'est dans la Bible — Lévitique 19.26 (BFC) : « Ne pratiquez par la magie ni la divination. »
Alors que les Israélites s'apprêtaient à pénétrer dans la terre promise de Canaan, Dieu les avertit de ne pas s'adonner à ces activités. C'est dans la Bible — Deutéronome 18.9, 12 et 14 (SEG) : « Lorsque tu seras entré dans le pays que l'Éternel, ton Dieu, te donne, tu n'apprendras point à imiter les abominations de ces nations-là. (...) Car quiconque fait ces choses est en abomination à l'Éternel ; et c'est à cause de ces abominations que l'Éternel, ton Dieu, va chasser ces nations devant toi. (...) Car ces nations que tu chasseras écoutent les astrologues et les devins ; mais à toi, l'Éternel, ton Dieu, ne le permet pas. »
La divination est bel et bien considérée comme un grave péché. C'est dans la Bible — 1 Samuel 15.23 (SEG) : « Car la désobéissance est aussi coupable que la divination, et la résistance ne l'est pas moins que l'idolâtrie (...). »
Lorsque le roi Nebucadnetsar fit un rêve, il convoqua les mages (ou "Chaldéens"), les sorciers et les astrologues pour qu'ils lui disent ce qu'avait été son rêve. Comment réagirent-ils ? La réponse est dans la Bible — Daniel 2.10 (SEG) : « Les Chaldéens répondirent au roi : "Il n'est personne sur la terre qui puisse dire ce que demande le roi ; aussi jamais roi, quelque grand et puissant qu'il ait été, n'a exigé une pareille chose d'aucun magicien, astrologue ou Chaldéen". »
Les astrologues de Babylone étaient incapables d'aider le roi à comprendre son rêve mystérieux. Mais Dieu avait béni Son pieux prophète, Daniel, des vrais dons du Saint Esprit et on l'amena devant le roi pour qu'il lui donne la clé de son rêve. C'est dans la Bible — Daniel 2.27-28 (SEG) : « Daniel répondit en présence du roi et dit : "Ce que le roi demande est un secret que les sages, les astrologues, les magiciens et les devins, ne sont pas capables de découvrir au roi. Mais il y a dans les cieux un Dieu qui révèle les secrets, et qui a fait connaître au roi Nebucadnetsar ce qui arrivera dans la suite des temps. Voici ton songe et les visions que tu as eues sur ta couche". »
lundi 31 mai 2010
"There shall be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars." - Jesus Christ, Luke 21:25
The Bible is filled with references to astrology. This is because astrology was widely accepted as truth in Biblical times. Christians who believe that astrology is Satanic would be surprised to learn that the Bible is filled with astrology and even Jesus himself made numerous references to astrology.
People believed in the study of the stars in Biblical times. Everyone knew the influence of the sun on the Earth, and the sun was a star. It certainly made a pattern, so far as life on Earth was concerned - it shaped everything, or at least nourished everything - and the shape had to be such as to allow the sun to give life to it.
COMMENT: The above is an astrology site that tries to convince Christians to accept astrology as something biblical and preached by Jesus, big mistake! The Bible speaks rather of the influence of the sun, moon and stars on Earth, but this influence are those that are demonstrably proven by astronomy, not astrology. Astrology is a kind of sorcery that tries to make predictions by observing the stars and the stars. Astronomy in turn is a science that studies the stars and their influence on Earth. We know that the sun and the translation movement of the earth not only influence how it determines the seasons.
Gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet rays that come from sources in the universe beyond Earth influence new life provoking reactions in our cells, but astrology teaches that the stars influence our behavior, personality and has the desire to guide our love life, professional and behavioral, that's stupidity, superstition, Satanic deception and has nothing to do with what Jesus said in Luke 21:25
Sun - among other signs of the sun, one solar flares are the constants that change the climate on Earth. Illuminates and warms the planet by ensuring life on our world
Moon - the boards are determined by the tidal orbital attraction between the moon and Earth. Eclipses causing momentary darkness in the sky
Stars - They emit several triggering reactions in our cells. Fragments of celestial bodies fall at any moment in the form of meteorites on Earth, recalling that all heavenly bodies are simplistically summarized in the Bible with the word "star" to denote all forms of phenomena or star in the cosmos.
"Haverá sinais no sol, a lua e as estrelas." - Jesus Cristo, Lucas 21:25
A Bíblia está repleta de referências a astrologia. Isto é porque a astrologia era amplamente aceito como verdade em tempos bíblicos. Os cristãos que acreditam que a astrologia é satânica ficarão surpresos ao saber que a Bíblia está cheia de astrologia e até mesmo o próprio Jesus fez várias referências à astrologia.
As pessoas acreditavam no estudo das estrelas nos tempos bíblicos. Todo mundo sabia que a influência do sol sobre a Terra, e o sol era uma estrela. Ele certamente fez um padrão, tanto a vida como na Terra estava em causa - é tudo o que forma, ou pelo menos nutrido tudo - e tinha a forma de ser de molde a permitir que o sol para dar vida a ele.
COMENTÁRIO: O texto acima é de um site de astrologia que tenta convencer os cristãos a aceitarem a astrologia como algo bíblico e pregado por Jesus, grave engano!!! A Bíblia fala sim da influência do sol, lua e estrelas sobre a Terra, mas esta influência são aquelas que são comprovadamente provadas pela astronomia e não pela astrologia. Astrologia é uma espécie de feitiçaria que tenta fazer predições mediante observação das estrelas e dos astros. A astronomia por sua vez é ciência que estuda os astros e sua influência na Terra. Sabemos que o sol e o movimento de translação da Terra não somente influência como determina as estações do ano.
Raios gama, raios x, raios ultravioletas que vem de fontes do universo fora da Terra influência nova vida provocando reações em nossas células, mas a astrologia prega que os astros influenciam nosso comportamento, personalidade e tem a pretensão de guiar nossa vida amorosa, profissional e comportamental, isso é burrice, crendice, engano satânico e nada tem a ver com o que Jesus disse em Lucas 21.25
Sol – entre outros sinais do sol, um deles são as constantes explosões solares que alteram o clima na terra. Ilumina e aquece o nosso planeta garantindo a vida no nosso mundo
Lua – as tábuas das marés são determinadas pela atração orbital entre a lua e a Terra. Os eclipses que provocam escuridão momentânea no céu
Estrelas – Elas emitem vários que provocam reações em nossas células. Fragmentos de corpos celestes caem a todo instante em forma de meteoritos na Terra, lembrando que todos os corpos celestes são simploriamente sintetizados na Bíblia com o termo “estrela” para designar toda forma de fenômeno ou astro do cosmo.
"There shall be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars." - Jesus Christ, Luke 21:25
The Bible is filled with references to astrology. This is because astrology was widely accepted as truth in Biblical times. Christians who believe that astrology is Satanic would be surprised to learn that the Bible is filled with astrology and even Jesus himself made numerous references to astrology.
People believed in the study of the stars in Biblical times. Everyone knew the influence of the sun on the Earth, and the sun was a star. It certainly made a pattern, so far as life on Earth was concerned - it shaped everything, or at least nourished everything - and the shape had to be such as to allow the sun to give life to it.
COMMENT: The above is an astrology site that tries to convince Christians to accept astrology as something biblical and preached by Jesus, big mistake! The Bible speaks rather of the influence of the sun, moon and stars on Earth, but this influence are those that are demonstrably proven by astronomy, not astrology. Astrology is a kind of sorcery that tries to make predictions by observing the stars and the stars. Astronomy in turn is a science that studies the stars and their influence on Earth. We know that the sun and the translation movement of the earth not only influence how it determines the seasons.
Gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet rays that come from sources in the universe beyond Earth influence new life provoking reactions in our cells, but astrology teaches that the stars influence our behavior, personality and has the desire to guide our love life, professional and behavioral, that's stupidity, superstition, Satanic deception and has nothing to do with what Jesus said in Luke 21:25
Sun - among other signs of the sun, one solar flares are the constants that change the climate on Earth. Illuminates and warms the planet by ensuring life on our world
Moon - the boards are determined by the tidal orbital attraction between the moon and Earth. Eclipses causing momentary darkness in the sky
Stars - They emit several triggering reactions in our cells. Fragments of celestial bodies fall at any moment in the form of meteorites on Earth, recalling that all heavenly bodies are simplistically summarized in the Bible with the word "star" to denote all forms of phenomena or star in the cosmos.
"Haverá sinais no sol, a lua e as estrelas." - Jesus Cristo, Lucas 21:25
A Bíblia está repleta de referências a astrologia. Isto é porque a astrologia era amplamente aceito como verdade em tempos bíblicos. Os cristãos que acreditam que a astrologia é satânica ficarão surpresos ao saber que a Bíblia está cheia de astrologia e até mesmo o próprio Jesus fez várias referências à astrologia.
As pessoas acreditavam no estudo das estrelas nos tempos bíblicos. Todo mundo sabia que a influência do sol sobre a Terra, e o sol era uma estrela. Ele certamente fez um padrão, tanto a vida como na Terra estava em causa - é tudo o que forma, ou pelo menos nutrido tudo - e tinha a forma de ser de molde a permitir que o sol para dar vida a ele.
COMENTÁRIO: O texto acima é de um site de astrologia que tenta convencer os cristãos a aceitarem a astrologia como algo bíblico e pregado por Jesus, grave engano!!! A Bíblia fala sim da influência do sol, lua e estrelas sobre a Terra, mas esta influência são aquelas que são comprovadamente provadas pela astronomia e não pela astrologia. Astrologia é uma espécie de feitiçaria que tenta fazer predições mediante observação das estrelas e dos astros. A astronomia por sua vez é ciência que estuda os astros e sua influência na Terra. Sabemos que o sol e o movimento de translação da Terra não somente influência como determina as estações do ano.
Raios gama, raios x, raios ultravioletas que vem de fontes do universo fora da Terra influência nova vida provocando reações em nossas células, mas a astrologia prega que os astros influenciam nosso comportamento, personalidade e tem a pretensão de guiar nossa vida amorosa, profissional e comportamental, isso é burrice, crendice, engano satânico e nada tem a ver com o que Jesus disse em Lucas 21.25
Sol – entre outros sinais do sol, um deles são as constantes explosões solares que alteram o clima na terra. Ilumina e aquece o nosso planeta garantindo a vida no nosso mundo
Lua – as tábuas das marés são determinadas pela atração orbital entre a lua e a Terra. Os eclipses que provocam escuridão momentânea no céu
Estrelas – Elas emitem vários que provocam reações em nossas células. Fragmentos de corpos celestes caem a todo instante em forma de meteoritos na Terra, lembrando que todos os corpos celestes são simploriamente sintetizados na Bíblia com o termo “estrela” para designar toda forma de fenômeno ou astro do cosmo.
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